YAMS! is shareware. If you like YAMS!, please demonstrate your pleasure and honor my work by getting registered. You will get a disk with the newest version of YAMS!. Please send your address and a shareware contribution of $15 or 25 DM to: Heinrich Schnermann Wichmannstraße 26, 3000 Hannover 81, Germany Tel.: +49 (511) 83 56 03, Fax: +49 (511) 83 56 05 Please give copies of YAMS! to your friends. But without modification please, and complete with the ”YAMS! Read me“, so others can enjoy YAMS! to the full. If you want to publish YAMS! on a CD, please get in touch so I can send you the latest version. If you find a programming bug: • Print out the bug report (see the last chapter of these instructions) • Fill out the report carefully, and • Mail or fax it to the above address